Meredith Public Library
91 Main Street, Meredith, NH  03253
Phone:  603-279-4303
Library Hours Tues-Thurs 9AM-8PM, Fri 9AM-5PM, Sat 9AM-2PM
Closed Sundays and Mondays

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Newspapers and Magazines


The Union Leader & New Hampshire Sunday News-The full-text of the daily newspaper since 1989.

The Concord Monitor-The full-text of the daily newspaper since 2002.

Newspaper Source -Provides full text for regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires, newspaper columns as well as other sources. This database also contains indexing and abstracts for national newspapers.


MasterFile Premier
Provides full text for over 1,900 periodicals covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and much more.

Academic Search Premier
Provides full text for more than 3,600 journals covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and much more. This database is updated on a daily basis.

MAS Ultra: School Edition
Provides full text for over 515 general interest and current events magazines.

Middle Search Plus
Provides full text for over 145 magazines covering general topics appropriate for middle and jr. high school students.

Primary Search
Provides full text for 57 children’s magazines and over 100 children’s pamphlets, designed for the elementary school student.

Explore social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today's classrooms. This current events database includes more than 400,000 full-text articles selected by teachers and librarians, an online dictionary, and more than 2,500 diverse reference sources including newspapers, biographies, opinion polls, book reviews and government information.

Please click here to e-mail the library for the password to these databases or call 603-279-4303.