Meredith Public Library
91 Main Street, Meredith, NH  03253
Phone:  603-279-4303
Library Hours Tues-Thurs 9AM-8PM, Fri 9AM-5PM, Sat 9AM-2PM
Closed Sundays and Mondays

Meredith Public Library  
Book Lovers
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Friends of the Meredith Library

The mission of the Meredith Public Library is to be the informational, educational, and cultural heart of the Meredith community. The library is a dependable source of reliable information and of challenging ideas that enlighten and enrich, and of materials in many formats that enhance leisure time and expand knowledge of current events. The library encourages the love of reading and the joy of learning, and offers the assistance people need to find, evaluate, and use electronic and print information resources that help them live successful and rewarding lives.

The support of the Friends is essential in order for the library to achieve its mission.  The newly reformed Friends’ Group has specific goals for the upcoming year include caring for the library garden, supporting the library's summer reading program and helping to support a "One Book, One Lake" program in 2010. Friends’ membership annual dues and fundraising efforts will help achieve these goals.


Download a Membership Brochure

Download a copy of the Friends' Bylaws

Online Book Sale

Friends Gardening
Friends of the Meredith Library planted and maintain our All-American Selections Display Garden.

Friends' Tea
The Friends are celebrated at their annual Tea.