Meredith Public Library
91 Main Street, Meredith, NH  03253
Phone:  603-279-4303
Library Hours Tues-Thurs 9AM-8PM, Fri 9AM-5PM, Sat 9AM-2PM
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bookworm Welcome to the Children's Room!

Families and Children of All Ages!

Artsy Saturdays-10:00AM-1:00PM

This is fun time for children and adults to enjoy together!  Discover different art concepts, create, and then take them home for display!  Creativity affords children a sense of self which in turn builds self confidence.

o   Mar. 3rd – Cat in the Hat paper plates (in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday)

o   Mar. 17th –Dancing Leprechauns

Children Ages 0-3!

Tot Time Miss Karen will meet with our youngest patrons in this program suited just for them each Friday morning at 9:30am in the function room.  She will read and help them to create a craft relating to her story.  A snack will be served.  Please note that any younger siblings are welcome as “babies love babies”! 

Children Ages 3-5!


Wed. @ 10am and Thurs. @ 1pm

Stories, crafts, songs and games geared toward children aged 3-5.  Each class will feature one letter of the alphabet.  Children are encouraged to bring an item from home that starts with the letter of the week.  Classes teach letter recognition, listening comprehension, build vocabulary and encourage positive social skills.

*Note: There will be no ABC & ME on Thursday, March 8th.

o   Mar. 1st – Letter “O”

o   Mar. 7th– Letter “P”

o   Mar. 21st and 22nd – Letter “Q”

o   Mar. 28th and 29th – Letter “R”


 Shamrocks on ParadeWed. @10am and Thurs @ 1pm

Wear green and visit us for a St. Patrick’s Day celebration.  Discover what happened to rabbit’s green shamrocks.  We will share stories, crafts, songs and games geared toward children aged 3-5.

o   Mar. 14th and 15th


Children Ages 5-10!


Lucky Legos-Tues. between 3 and 5pm

Legos are a spatial learning toy which encourages fine motor skills as well as logic.  Children quickly learn how each brick fits together translating into early reading skills as letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs and then paragraphs make stories!

o   Mar. 6th

o   Mar. 13th


Reading with “Rocky” – Tues. 9:30am

o   Mar. 6th

          “Rocky”, a registered therapy dog and his mom, Miss Carol will join us for a special reading  time.  This class has limited space so registration is required.  You may register in the children’s room.  “Rocky” and Miss Carol will be with us once a month so everyone who wants to will get a chance with him  

See you at the library!