Meredith Public Library
91 Main Street, Meredith, NH  03253
Phone:  603-279-4303
Library Hours Tues-Thurs 9AM-8PM, Fri 9AM-5PM, Sat 9AM-2PM
Closed Sundays and Mondays

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Staff Directory
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Erin Apostolos-Library Director
Year started-2008

Erin has been working in libraries since 1993 and received her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts.  She has worked as a children's librarian, a library media specialist in an elementary school and as an assistant director at a library consortium before coming to the Meredith Public Library.  She is also a genealogist, receiving a certificate from Boston University in Genealogical Research in 2009.
Judy Hodges-Assistant Library Director
Year started-1996

Judy started as a volunteer at the Meredith Public Library, eventually working her way to Assistant Director in 2007.  She received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Belknap College.  Judy is in charge of  the Technical Services and Circulation departments, develops the Large Print collection and runs a monthly mystery book group.
Susan-Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Year Started-1989

Susan attended Colby College in Waterville, ME where she studied German.  Before coming to the library she worked as a bookkeeper for fourteen years at the Winnepesaukee Flagship Corporation.  As Interlibrary Loan Librarian, she is responsible for filling patron requests for items owned at other libraries in NH and sometimes other states, a service that grows in popularity every year.  In addition she is responsible for the newspaper and magazine collections. 
Karen-Young Adult Librarian
Year Started 2008

Karen worked in local retail shops and ran her own daycare for twenty years before coming to the Meredith Public Library.  Her skill with children naturally saw her gravitate to the children's room where she now leads a very popular Tot Time.  She is in charge of teen programming and collection development.  She keeps the library looking fresh and exciting by creating beautiful displays, decorating the library and updating the bulletin boards.   She is a life-long resident of Meredith. 
Christopher-Technical Services Librarian
Year Started-2008
Christopher received his Bachelor's Degree in Library and Information Science from Southern Connecticut State University and has many years of library experience.  Before coming to Meredith he worked at Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University and Oxford Public Library, Oxford, CT.  Chris is in charge of cataloging most of the library collection, trouble-shooting daily computer issues and is working on archiving historical library documents.  He is responsible for the DVD and CD collections and orders much of the non-fiction material.
Jenny with python
Mrs. Stevens-Children's Librarian
Year Started-2011
Jenny brings both library and teaching experience to Meredith.  She has taught in and outside the school in many different capacities and also helped start the new Gilmanton Year-Round Library as their first Children’s Librarian. She attended Southern New Hampshire University for Accounting/Marketing and has also studied Elementary Education at Fort Hayes State University.  She resides in NH with her husband Christopher and her two children, Emily and Timothy.
-Circulation Library Assistant
Year Started-1998
Carol graduated from Western Maryland College with a Bachelor's Degree in English Education.  She assists with circulation duties by sending out notices and working at the front desk.  She is a recent convert to downloadable audio books from the library.


Cherie-Library Aide
Year Started-2009
Cherie received a Master's in Business Administration from Southern New Hampshire University.  She is in charge of the Homebound program and helps out in all areas of the library.

Michael-Reference Librarian
Year Started-2011

Michael has a Masters degree in Literacy and another in
Library Science. In addition to working part time here, he also works at the Howe Library in Hanover.  You can find him serving patrons at the main desk or in the Children’s Room.  He is also working on revitalizing the reference collection at the library and is in charge of the rotating art collection.